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Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p></span>","rss_summary":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n","rss_body":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<h2>Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p>","tag_ids":[949436814,949708814],"topic_ids":[949436814,949708814],"enable_google_amp_output_override":false,"blog_post_schedule_task_uid":null,"blog_publish_to_social_media_task":"DONE_NOT_SENT","blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid":"DONE_NOT_SENT","blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id":null,"blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count":null,"keywords":[],"published_at":1668630469152,"head_html":null,"footer_html":null,"attached_stylesheets":[],"enable_domain_stylesheets":null,"include_default_custom_css":null,"meta_description":"As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article. 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Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard.\"\n }\n </script>\n <!-- End Schema --> \n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n window._mNHandle = window._mNHandle || {};\n window._mNHandle.queue = window._mNHandle.queue || [];\n medianet_versionId = \"3121199\";\n</script>\n<script src=\"https://contextual.media.net/dmedianet.js?cid=8CU76IWTZ\" async=\"async\"></script>","postsPerListingPage":10,"postsPerRssFeed":10,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publicTitle":"The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)","publishDateFormat":"medium","resolvedDomain":"www.frontrowinsurance.com","rootUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles","rssCustomFeed":"","rssDescription":"RSS feeds for ","rssItemFooter":"<IMG style=\"WIDTH: 144px; HEIGHT: 78px\" title=\"\" border=0 alt=\"\" align=center src=\"http://focusinsurance.web6.hubspot.com/Portals/61352/images//logo_final.jpg\" width=138 height=78 mce_src=\"/Portals/61352/images//logo_final.jpg\">","rssItemHeader":"","settingsOverrides":{"itemLayoutId":false,"itemTemplatePath":false,"itemTemplateIsShared":false,"listingLayoutId":false,"listingTemplatePath":false,"postsPerListingPage":false,"showSummaryInListing":false,"useFeaturedImageInSummary":false,"htmlHead":false,"postHtmlHead":false,"htmlHeadIsShared":false,"htmlFooter":false,"listingPageHtmlFooter":false,"postHtmlFooter":false,"htmlFooterIsShared":false,"attachedStylesheets":false,"postsPerRssFeed":false,"showSummaryInRss":false,"showSummaryInEmails":false,"showSummariesInEmails":false,"allowComments":false,"commentShouldCreateContact":false,"commentModeration":false,"closeCommentsOlder":false,"commentNotificationEmails":false,"commentMaxThreadDepth":false,"commentVerificationText":false,"socialAccountTwitter":false,"showSocialLinkTwitter":false,"showSocialLinkLinkedin":false,"showSocialLinkFacebook":false,"enableGoogleAmpOutput":false,"ampLogoSrc":false,"ampLogoHeight":false,"ampLogoWidth":false,"ampLogoAlt":false,"ampHeaderFont":false,"ampHeaderFontSize":false,"ampHeaderColor":false,"ampHeaderBackgroundColor":false,"ampBodyFont":false,"ampBodyFontSize":false,"ampBodyColor":false,"ampLinkColor":false,"generateJsonLdEnabled":false},"showSocialLinkFacebook":true,"showSocialLinkLinkedin":true,"showSocialLinkTwitter":true,"showSummaryInEmails":true,"showSummaryInListing":false,"showSummaryInRss":true,"siteId":0,"slug":"articles","socialAccountTwitter":"","state":null,"subscriptionContactsProperty":"blog_blog_the_front_row_view_subscription","subscriptionEmailType":null,"subscriptionFormGuid":"a2c254df-2214-4c54-bd51-46da1e3029fb","subscriptionListsByType":{"daily":12,"instant":11,"monthly":10,"weekly":13},"title":null,"translatedFromId":null,"translations":{"fr":{"absoluteUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/fr/blogue","id":2471031463,"language":"fr","masterId":952267656,"name":"The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)","publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"slug":"fr/blogue"}},"updated":1693318083281,"updatedDateTime":1693318083281,"urlBase":"www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles","urlSegments":{},"useFeaturedImageInSummary":true,"usesDefaultTemplate":false,"weeklyNotificationEmailId":"952268106"},"password":null,"pastMabExperimentIds":[],"performableGuid":null,"performableVariationLetter":null,"personas":[],"placementGuids":[],"portableKey":null,"portalId":61352,"position":null,"postBody":"<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<h2>Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p></span>","postBodyRss":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<h2>Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p>","postEmailContent":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>","postFeaturedImageIfEnabled":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/keys-forweb.jpg","postListContent":"<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<h2>Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p></span>","postListSummaryFeaturedImage":"","postRssContent":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>","postRssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/keys-forweb.jpg","postSummary":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n","postSummaryRss":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>","postTemplate":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","previewImageSrc":null,"previewKey":"tQpciUNO","previousPostFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/drums-forweb.jpg","previousPostFeaturedImageAltText":"Protect Your Drums","previousPostName":"20 Effective Ways to Protect Your Drums (Downloadable Checklist!)","previousPostSlug":"articles/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-drums","processingStatus":"PUBLISHED","propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl":null,"propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage":null,"propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription":null,"propertyForDynamicPageSlug":null,"propertyForDynamicPageTitle":null,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1579289354000,"publishDateLocalTime":1579289354000,"publishDateLocalized":{"date":1579289354000,"format":"medium","language":"en_US"},"publishImmediately":true,"publishTimezoneOffset":null,"publishedAt":1668630469152,"publishedByEmail":null,"publishedById":7915797,"publishedByName":null,"publishedUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard","resolvedDomain":"www.frontrowinsurance.com","resolvedLanguage":null,"rssBody":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<h2>Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do <strong>not</strong> use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://geni.us/NUBc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p>","rssSummary":"<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.</p>\n","rssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/keys-forweb.jpg","scheduledUpdateDate":0,"screenshotPreviewTakenAt":1668630475379,"screenshotPreviewUrl":"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubshot/22/11/16/8b27041c-dd1e-466f-befa-cd557a171b4b.png","sections":{},"securityState":"NONE","siteId":null,"slug":"articles/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard","stagedFrom":null,"state":"PUBLISHED","stateWhenDeleted":null,"structuredContentPageType":null,"structuredContentType":null,"styleOverrideId":null,"subcategory":"normal_blog_post","syncedWithBlogRoot":true,"tagIds":[949436814,949708814],"tagList":[{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1401900445000,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":949436814,"label":"Musical instrument insurance","language":"en","name":"Musical instrument insurance","portalId":61352,"slug":"musical-instrument-insurance","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1649857146996},{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1401901719000,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":949708814,"label":"Film insurance broker","language":"en","name":"Film insurance broker","portalId":61352,"slug":"film-insurance-broker","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1649863451156}],"tagNames":["Musical instrument insurance","Film insurance broker"],"teamPerms":[],"templatePath":"","templatePathForRender":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","textToAudioFileId":null,"textToAudioGenerationRequestId":null,"themePath":null,"themeSettingsValues":null,"title":"20 Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard (Downloadable Checklist!)","tmsId":null,"topicIds":[949436814,949708814],"topicList":[{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1401900445000,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":949436814,"label":"Musical instrument insurance","language":"en","name":"Musical instrument insurance","portalId":61352,"slug":"musical-instrument-insurance","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1649857146996},{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1401901719000,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":949708814,"label":"Film insurance broker","language":"en","name":"Film insurance broker","portalId":61352,"slug":"film-insurance-broker","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1649863451156}],"topicNames":["Musical instrument insurance","Film insurance broker"],"topics":[949436814,949708814],"translatedContent":{},"translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"tweet":null,"tweetAt":null,"tweetImmediately":false,"unpublishedAt":0,"updated":1668630469159,"updatedById":7915797,"upsizeFeaturedImage":false,"url":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard","useFeaturedImage":true,"userPerms":[],"views":0,"visibleToAll":null,"widgetContainers":{},"widgetcontainers":{},"widgets":{"module_156398965931111":{"body":{"definition_id":null,"module_id":8696351,"path":"/Marketplace/HubSpot/Team_Member/Team Member","per_widget_wrapper_html":"","smart_objects":null,"smart_type":"NOT_SMART","tag":"module","type":"module","widget_name":"Team Member","wrapping_html":""},"child_css":{},"css":{},"deleted_at":1650482171696,"id":"module_156398965931111","label":"Team Member","module_id":8696351,"name":"module_156398965931111","order":11,"smart_type":null,"styles":{},"type":"module"},"module_15960847531069":{"body":{"add_form":{"form_id":"119753d1-16ed-439a-8b8c-02f8b63ea2a2","form_type":"HUBSPOT","gotowebinar_webinar_key":null,"message":"<p>Thanks for submitting the form. The checklist will be emailed to you shortly.</p>","response_type":"inline"},"add_form_title":"Get the Keyboard Checklist:","enable_form":true,"module_id":33051772119},"child_css":{},"css":{},"id":"module_15960847531069","label":"Blog Subscribe New Module 2020","module_id":33051772119,"name":"module_15960847531069","order":6,"smart_type":null,"styles":{},"type":"module"},"module_15965216980304":{"body":{"add_content":"<h2>Consider Front Row for Keyboard Insurance | Digital Piano Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Front Row Insurance is a brokerage specializing in entertainment-related risks. We have a simple online instrument insurance program available 24/7. Custom packages for musicians include tour liability and coverage for recording studios. We have offices in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Halifax, LA, NYC &amp; Nashville and our staff of 50+ have a combined 510 years insurance experience.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Front Row provides fast, affordable <a href=\"https://musicians.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>musical instrument insurance</strong></a> for Canada’s music professionals who are Canadian resident members of SOCAN (and other music associations).&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row </h2>\n<p>Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/referral\" rel=\" noopener\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">referral marketing program</a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <em>(depending on your province)</em></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><em>DISCLAIMER</em></strong><em>: Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</em></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><em>Amazon Associates Disclosure</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</em></p>\n<p class=\"p6\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related:</h3>\n<p><a href=\"/musical-instrument-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\">Musical Instrument Insurance 101: How to Protect Your Instruments</a><br><a href=\"/articles/musical-instrument-theft-prevention-what-you-need-to-know\" rel=\" noopener\">Tips &amp; tricks to guard your gear </a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/205377/protecting-musical-instruments-at-home-insurance-and-more\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting instruments at home</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/205279/6-ways-to-protect-your-instruments-at-airports-and-on-planes\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting instruments at airports </a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/118477/musical-gear-insurance-and-protection-while-on-tour\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting instruments on tour</a><br><a href=\"/articles/summer-and-tours-what-you-need-to-know-about-musical-tour-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">Musical tour insurance </a><br><a href=\"/articles/band-on-the-run-touring-insurance-tips-for-taking-your-show-on-the-road\" rel=\" noopener\">Band on the run </a><br><a href=\"/articles/articles/bid/81594/why-even-your-band-should-carry-liability-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">Tribute bands and liability </a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-guitar\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting your guitar</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-drums\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting your drums</a><br>Protecting your keyboard<br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-violin\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting your violin</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-saxophone\" rel=\" noopener\">Protecting your saxophone</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/118532/stolen-musical-instruments-how-to-make-a-claim\" rel=\" noopener\">How to make a claim</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/191494/instrument-insurance-what-is-my-gear-worth-in-an-claim\" rel=\" noopener\">What is my gear worth in event of claim?</a><br><a href=\"/articles/musical-instrument-insurance-you-may-not-be-covered\" rel=\" noopener\">You may not be covered under homeowners</a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/118744/front-row-instrument-policy-launches-on-line\" rel=\" noopener\">Front Row’s musical instrument policy </a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/117160/instrument-insurance-for-socan-members\" rel=\" noopener\">Insurance for SOCAN members </a><br><a href=\"/instrument-insurance-blog/bid/146779/musical-instrument-insurance-companies-how-to-compare\" rel=\" noopener\">How to compare musical instrument insurance cos.</a><br><a href=\"/articles/blurring-the-lines-of-music-infringement-law-three-perspectives-in-one\" rel=\" noopener\">Blurring the lines of music infringement law</a></p>\n<p class=\"p7\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong>Citations:</strong></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://www.furtadosonline.com/blog/protecting-your-electronic-keyboard/\">https://www.furtadosonline.com/blog/protecting-your-electronic-keyboard/</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://www.onlinepianist.com/op-blog/how-to-maintain-a-digital-piano/\">https://www.onlinepianist.com/op-blog/how-to-maintain-a-digital-piano/</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://ca.yamaha.com/en/support/caring_for_your_piano/index.html\">https://ca.yamaha.com/en/support/caring_for_your_piano/index.html</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://blog.bestbuy.ca/musical-instruments/digital-piano-maintenance\">https://blog.bestbuy.ca/musical-instruments/digital-piano-maintenance</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://bestdigitalpianoguides.com/fi\">https://bestdigitalpianoguides.com/five-tips-on-maintaining-your-digital-piano/</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://www.digitalpianoplanet.com/how-to-clean-a-digital-piano/\">https://www.digitalpianoplanet.com/how-to-clean-a-digital-piano/</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p8\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><span class=\"s2\"><a href=\"https://piano-reviews.com/digital-piano/\">https://piano-reviews.com/digital-piano/</a></span></p>\n<p class=\"p7\" style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Images</i></strong><i>: Shutterstock purchases</i></p>","enable_rich_text_module":true,"module_id":33156769794},"child_css":{},"css":{},"id":"module_15965216980304","label":"Basic Rich Text Box for Blog","module_id":33156769794,"name":"module_15965216980304","order":8,"smart_type":null,"styles":{},"type":"module"},"name":{"body":{"title":"20 Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard (Downloadable Checklist!)"},"id":"name","label":"Title","name":"name","type":"text"},"post_body":{"body":{"html":"<h1>20 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD/DIGITAL PIANO</h1>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/keys-forweb.jpg\" width=\"600\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" alt=\"Protecting your Keyboard/Piano\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear. As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2>Protecting your ELECTRONIC Keyboard/DIGITAL Piano | KEYBOARD MAINTENANCE</h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><strong>Where to keep your keyboard?</strong> According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/391B8As\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard cover</a> [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Get a solid, sturdy <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2HSjeEc\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">keyboard stand</a> [Affiliate Link].</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/music/multimeter-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Multimeter\" width=\"300\" style=\"width: 300px; float: right; margin: 4px 0px 10px 12px;\">Use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Ve3Vh3\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">multimeter</a> [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do notuse a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">If you’re touring, always use a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2T9l4Wl\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">high-quality carrying case</a> [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact &amp; moisture.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Hiding a <span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2v39yEd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Tile</a> [Affiliate Link]</span> or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.</li>\n<li class=\"li1\">Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!</li>\n</ol>\n<h2>Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Take the tips in this article with you by filling out <a href=\"/checklist-download-20-effective-ways-to-protect-your-keyboard\" rel=\" noopener\">this form</a>. We’ll email you a PDF copy of <i>Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard</i>. You can also complete the form below:</p>"},"deleted_at":1604514903380,"id":"post_body","label":"Blog Content","name":"post_body","type":"rich_text"}}}

20 Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard (Downloadable Checklist!)

Protect Your Keyboard

As an entertainment insurance brokerage with a specialty in creating custom insurance packages for musicians, we have seen enough music gear-related insurance claims to be able to speak with some authority on what musicians can do to protect their gear.

As it’s one of the most popular instruments, let’s focus on the electronic keyboard/digital piano in this article:

Protecting your Electronic Keyboard/Digital Piano | Keyboard Maintenance Tips

  1. Where to keep your keyboard? According to Yamaha, a room with relative humidity between 40 and 45% is ideal for keyboards.
  2. Do not place the keyboard outside or near an open window. Dust will coat the keyboard, which could create issues with electronic parts inside.
  3. Do not place the keyboard under a shelf with a lot of objects on it. Heavy falling objects from shelves such as trophies can severely damage a keyboard.
  4. Do not place the keyboard near a fireplace, where ash and dust would inevitably get into it and likely damage the electronic components.
  5. Do not allow pets to get on the keyboard. Cats, in particular, would likely enjoy climbing on top of your keyboard, but their fur could get into the sensors and potentially damage the electronic components.
  6. Do not use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust from your keyboard. Tiny parts and screws may get loosened, compromising your keyboard over time.
  7. Get a keyboard cover [Affiliate Link], ideally waterproof, to put over your keyboard when not in use to protect it from dust and water.
  8. Get a solid, sturdy keyboard stand [Affiliate Link].
  9. Keep the electrical cords out of the way where they won’t be tripped over.
  10. Use a multimeter [Affiliate Link] to check if the electrical outlet you’re plugging the keyboard into is supplying the proper voltage recommended by your keyboard’s manufacturer. If it isn’t, try a different outlet. Always turn the keyboard off before you unplug it, and unplug it when you’re not playing it.
  11. Don’t plug your keyboard into an outlet that is shared by a microwave, AC, fridge or any other major electrical appliance. Interference from such devices can negatively impact the sound of your keyboard.
  12. Check the keyboard’s instruction manual/manufacturer’s notes for specific and acceptable cleaning methods.
  13. Use a regular cotton cloth to clean the keyboard. Do not use a thinner, as that can remove the printing and even damage the (usually plastic) body.
  14. Any cleaning solution that you use on the keyboard should have an alcohol content of around 90%.
  15. A cotton swab can be used to clean corners of the keyboard that a cloth cannot reach.
  16. If you’re touring, always use a high-quality carrying case [Affiliate Link] such as a hard-bodied, foam-lined, locking Pelican case that protects against impact & moisture.
  17. A seemingly innocuous action, like placing one’s drink atop a keyboard panel, can result in said drink eventually spilling and short-circuiting the keyboard. Insurance claims often occur after absent-minded actions such as this. So, put any nearby drinks on a side table, not on top of the keyboard panel.
  18. Hiding a Tile [Affiliate Link] or similar tracker in your cases results in a good recovery rate for stolen keyboards and other music gear.
  19. At least once a year, take your keyboard to your local music instrument technician for a once-over. This annual investment in expert service will no doubt pay for itself over the long run by keeping your keyboard in good shape.
  20. Try to get into the habit of washing your hands before playing the keyboard. You may not realize it, but your fingers and palms contain moisture and oils that can damage your keys. Finally: play your keyboard with care and don’t pound those keys too hard!

Downloadable Checklist – Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard

Take the tips in this article with you by filling out this form. We’ll email you a PDF copy of Effective Ways to Protect Your Keyboard. You can also complete the form below:

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Consider Front Row for Keyboard Insurance | Digital Piano Insurance

Front Row Insurance is a brokerage specializing in entertainment-related risks. We have a simple online instrument insurance program available 24/7. Custom packages for musicians include tour liability and coverage for recording studios. We have offices in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Halifax, LA, NYC & Nashville and our staff of 50+ have a combined 510 years insurance experience.

Front Row provides fast, affordable musical instrument insurance for Canada’s music professionals who are Canadian resident members of SOCAN (and other music associations). 

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DISCLAIMER: Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.

Amazon Associates Disclosure: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.



Musical Instrument Insurance 101: How to Protect Your Instruments
Tips & tricks to guard your gear
Protecting instruments at home
Protecting instruments at airports
Protecting instruments on tour
Musical tour insurance
Band on the run
Tribute bands and liability
Protecting your guitar
Protecting your drums
Protecting your keyboard
Protecting your violin
Protecting your saxophone
How to make a claim
What is my gear worth in event of claim?
You may not be covered under homeowners
Front Row’s musical instrument policy
Insurance for SOCAN members
How to compare musical instrument insurance cos.
Blurring the lines of music infringement law









Images: Shutterstock purchases

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