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We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul></span>","rss_summary":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n","rss_body":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul>","tag_ids":[956557515,5465221705,30486043401,61505392395],"topic_ids":[956557515,5465221705,30486043401,61505392395],"blog_post_schedule_task_uid":null,"blog_publish_to_social_media_task":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id":null,"blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count":null,"keywords":[],"head_html":null,"footer_html":null,"attached_stylesheets":[],"enable_domain_stylesheets":null,"include_default_custom_css":null,"meta_keywords":null,"meta_description":"Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. 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We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul></span>","postBodyRss":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul>","postEmailContent":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>","postFeaturedImageIfEnabled":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/Best%20wedding%20venues%20in%20Miami/canva-miami-pic-forweb600.jpg","postListContent":"<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul></span>","postListSummaryFeaturedImage":"","postRssContent":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>","postRssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/Best%20wedding%20venues%20in%20Miami/canva-miami-pic-forweb600.jpg","postSummary":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n","postSummaryRss":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>","postTemplate":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","previewImageSrc":null,"previewKey":"ZkWPUZQX","previousPostFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/events/Funerals/funeral-service-insurance-unsplash-forweb.jpg","previousPostFeaturedImageAltText":"Candles: Funeral Insurance | Funeral Service Insurance","previousPostName":"Funeral Insurance | Funeral Service Insurance from Front Row","previousPostSlug":"articles/funeral-service-insurance","processingStatus":"PUBLISHED","propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl":null,"propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage":null,"propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription":null,"propertyForDynamicPageSlug":null,"propertyForDynamicPageTitle":null,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1652361869000,"publishDateLocalTime":1652361869000,"publishDateLocalized":{"date":1652361869000,"format":"medium","language":"en_US"},"publishImmediately":true,"publishTimezoneOffset":null,"publishedAt":1660935483998,"publishedByEmail":null,"publishedById":7915797,"publishedByName":null,"publishedUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles/best-wedding-venues-in-miami","resolvedDomain":"www.frontrowinsurance.com","resolvedLanguage":null,"rssBody":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: Canva</em></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p>Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. We’ll list some of them in this article. <strong>Note</strong>: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to <a href=\"mailto:grant@frontrowinsurance.com\" style=\"color: #0563c1;\"><span>contact us</span></a> with the suggestion.</p>\n<p>We’ll discuss, in no particular order:</p>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#church\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#outdoor\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best outdoor wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#restaurant\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best restaurant wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"#other\" rel=\"noopener\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best other wedding venues</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">Best wedding insurance provider</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"church\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>The Ancient Spanish Monastery</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Plymouth Congregational Church</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami)</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Saint Raymond of Peñafort</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.straymondchurch.com/\"><span>https://www.straymondchurch.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.</p>\n<p>St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.tesobe.org/\"><span>https://www.tesobe.org/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.</p>\n<p>Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage\"><span>https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.</p>\n<p>The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"outdoor\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Outdoor wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.</p>\n<p>The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.</p>\n<p>This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://cincofarm.com/\"><span>https://cincofarm.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.</p>\n<p>If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/\"><span>https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.</p>\n<p>These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"restaurant\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Restaurant wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.milarestaurant.com/\"><span>https://www.milarestaurant.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.</p>\n<p>MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://doloreslolita.com/events/\"><span>https://doloreslolita.com/events/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.</p>\n<p>This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/\"><span>https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.</p>\n<p>The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.seaspice.com/\"><span>https://www.seaspice.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie &amp; Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.</p>\n<p>Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>The Bazaar by José Andrés</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.thebazaar.com/\"><span>https://www.thebazaar.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.</p>\n<p>This restaurant is named after <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s\"><span>José Andrés</span></a>, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"other\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Best other wedding venues in Miami</h2>\n<h3>Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://renaissancemiami.com/\"><span>https://renaissancemiami.com/</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.</p>\n<p>They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Woman's Club of Coconut Grove</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.</p>\n<p>Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.</p>\n<p>This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Faena Forum</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum\"><span>https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.</p>\n<p>Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Pérez Art Museum Miami</h3>\n<p><strong>URL</strong>: <a href=\"https://www.pamm.org/weddings\"><span>https://www.pamm.org/weddings</span></a>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.</p>\n<p>PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<h2>Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row</h2>\n<p>If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://events.frontrowinsurance.com/us\"><span>Wedding Insurance (USA)</span></a>: if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.<br><br></p>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><em>About</em></strong><em>: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.</em></p>\n<h3>Related posts:</h3>\n<ul>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/en-us/wedding-insurance-florida\"><span>WEDDING INSURANCE IN FLORIDA: FRONT ROW</span></a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"/staff/grant-patten\" rel=\"noopener\">Author: Grant Patten</a></li>\n<li aria-level=\"1\"><a href=\"https://stories.frontrowinsurance.com/best-wedding-venues-in-miami/\" rel=\"noopener\">Google Web Story: The best wedding venues in Miami, FL</a></li>\n</ul>","rssSummary":"<p style=\"text-align: right; font-size: 14px;\"><em>Image credit: 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Best Wedding Venues in Miami | Best Places to Get Married in Florida

Best Wedding Venues in Miami | Best Places to Get Married in Florida

Image credit: Canva

Miami, Florida has no shortage of impressive venues that are appropriate for hosting weddings. We’ll list some of them in this article. Note: this list is not comprehensive and if you feel we are missing a venue that should be added, feel free to contact us with the suggestion.

We’ll discuss, in no particular order:


Best church/synagogue/mosque wedding venues in Miami

The Ancient Spanish Monastery

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bernard_de_Clairvaux_Church 

St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church, also known as the Ancient Spanish Monastery, is located at 16711 W Dixie Hwy in North Miami Beach.

The origins of this church go back to 12th Century Spain. The church was dismantled in the 20th Century and eventually reassembled in North Miami Beach. 


Plymouth Congregational Church

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Congregational_Church_(Miami) 

The Plymouth Congregational Church is located at 3429 Devon Road in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The church is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

This church’s architecture was modeled after the old Spanish missions of Mexico. This church offers its facilities and staff for weddings of both members and non-members.


Saint Raymond of Peñafort

URL: https://www.straymondchurch.com/ 

Saint Raymond of Peñafort is located at 3475 SW 17th St in Miami. This church is available to be booked for weddings. A prenuptial interview with the priest is required.

St. Raymond Catholic Church was established as a parish in 1965. In 1972, Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll celebrated the dedication Mass with the participation of more than 800 parishioners and friends.


Temple Emanu-El | Best synagogue for Jewish wedding Miami

URL: https://www.tesobe.org/ 

Temple Emanu-El is located at 1701 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL. Temple Emanu-El is a traditional egalitarian congregation and is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in America.

Temple Emanu-El's congregation has a long history as a spiritual home to the Jewish residents of Miami Beach for more than seven decades. This synagogue has a rotunda building and a copper dome that stands more than ten stories tall.


Islamic Center Of Greater Miami | Best mosque for nikah Miami

URL: https://www.miamimuslim.org/marriage 

The Islamic Center Of Greater Miami provides the complete service of nikah (marriage) under Islamic rules. Their Imam is notarized to provide complete nikah assistance and their prayer hall is available to rent for ceremonies and events.

The Miami Masjid is located at 7350 NW 3rd St. The Islamic Center is located at 4305 NW 183rd Street in Miami Gardens, FL.


Outdoor wedding venues in Miami

Miami Beach Botanical Garden | Botanical garden wedding Miami

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Beach_Botanical_Garden 

The Miami Beach Botanical Garden is a 2.6 acres urban green space in Miami Beach, founded in 1962. It was transformed in 2011 with a $1.2 million landscape renovation.

The garden is available to be rented for weddings. The garden lends itself well as a wedding venue; it features lush tropical plants, flowering trees, a pond with koi and a terrace.


Pinecrest Gardens | Garden wedding venue Miami

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinecrest_Gardens 

Pinecrest Gardens is a 20-acre park in Pinecrest (Miami-Dade County), Florida on 11000 SW 57th Ave.

This park has a variety of sites including botanical gardens, a butterfly exhibit, a swan lake, a petting zoo, a children's playground, and a popular splash-n-play area.


Cinco Farm | Best farm wedding venue Miami Florida

URL: https://cincofarm.com/ 

Cinco Farm is located at 18850 SW 232nd St in Miami. The farm is available to be booked as a wedding venue. As Cinco Farm is a privately owned wedding venue, they have the necessary power and flexibility to provide you with unique options and features to make your wedding day unique.

If you plan a rustic, a boho, or a vintage style wedding, Cinco Farm is a great option to find suitable backgrounds for your magical moments.


Palm Court | Best outdoor wedding space Miami

URL: https://www.miamidesigndistrict.net/event-venue/744/palm-court/ 

Palm Court is located in the Miami Design District at 140 NE 39th St. This court is available to be booked for weddings.

The 7,000 sq. ft. palm-dotted plaza, which features architecture by Sou Fujimoto and Aranda/Lasch along with public art installations by Konstantin Grcic, Matthew Richie and Xavier Veilhan, all enhance the open-air experience of a wedding.


Vizcaya Museum and Gardens

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizcaya_Museum_and_Gardens 

The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, previously known as Villa Vizcaya, is the former villa and estate of businessman James Deering. The estate includes extensive Italian Renaissance gardens and a native woodland landscape. Located at 3251 South Miami Ave. in Miami.

These gardens are available to be booked for weddings. Their experienced staff are eager to work with you to make your special event memorable.


Restaurant wedding venues in Miami

MILA Restaurant | Asian fusion restaurant wedding Miami

URL: https://www.milarestaurant.com/ 

MILA Restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings. Located at 1636 Meridian Ave, Rooftop, Miami Beach.

MILA is an Asian fusion restaurant led by Chef Helmy Saadon under the helm of Chef Michael Michaelidis. Sculptures, paintings and ceramic art made of metal, clay and wood are placed throughout the restaurant.


Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita

URL: https://doloreslolita.com/events/ 

Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita is a New American restaurant located at 1000 S Miami Ave in Miami. The restaurant is available to be booked for weddings. Originally built in 1923.

This restaurant has a main dining room, a garden, a wine room and a private room. 


Rusty Pelican | Best seafood restaurant wedding Miami

URL: https://www.therustypelican.com/weddings/ 

The Rusty Pelican is located at 3201 Rickenbacker Cwy in Key Biscayne, FL (Miami-Dade County). With impressive views of Biscayne Bay and the Miami Skyline, this restaurant is a nice choice for a wedding venue.

The Rusty Pelican is a seafood restaurant that has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, modern and chic décor, tufted and elegant furniture, and extravagant chandeliers and light fixtures.


Seaspice Brasserie & Lounge

URL: https://www.seaspice.com/ 

Seaspice Brasserie & Lounge is a fine dining restaurant that specializes mostly in seafood. Located at 412 NW N River Dr in Miami.

Seaspice Brasserie has a main dining room, a modern garden, a lounge, a riverside area, a covered porch, and a gallery (10,000 sq. ft. space ideal for hosting large scale productions and weddings).


The Bazaar by José Andrés

URL: https://www.thebazaar.com/ 

The Bazaar by José Andrés is located at 1701 Collins Ave #100 in Miami Beach. This Spanish restaurant is available to be booked for private events, including weddings.

This restaurant is named after José Andrés, the world renowned chef and founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.


Best other wedding venues in Miami

Renaissance Ballroom | Ballroom wedding Miami

URL: https://renaissancemiami.com/ 

Renaissance Ballrooms is a banquet hall that includes two facilities with six ballrooms that will accommodate smaller intimate events of as little as 50 guests to upwards of 500 guests for larger receptions. Located at 2340 SW 32nd Avenue in Miami.

They offer various wedding packages to choose from depending on your needs. 


Woman's Club of Coconut Grove

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_Club_of_Coconut_Grove 

The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, located at 2985 S Bayshore Dr in Coconut Grove (Miami neighbourhood) is available to be booked for weddings.

Founded in 1891 and added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is the oldest civic group in Miami-Dade County.


Glenn Curtiss Mansion | Mansion wedding Miami

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Curtiss_Mansion 

The Glenn H. Curtiss Mansion and Gardens is located at 500 Deer Run in Miami Springs (near Miami International Airport) and is open to the public as an event space for weddings.

Designed in the Pueblo Revival style, the mansion was constructed in 1925 by aviation pioneer Glenn Hammond Curtiss.

This venue is also on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.


Faena Forum

URL: https://www.faena.com/miami-beach/gather/venues/faena-forum 

Faena Forum was designed by famed architect Rem Koolhaas. This venue offers a collection of unique event spaces, including two grand exhibit halls and a rose marble amphitheater. This venue is available to be booked for weddings.

Faena Forum has 43,000 sq. ft. of flexible event space. Accommodates up to 1,000 guests. Located at 3300 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL.


Pérez Art Museum Miami

URL: https://www.pamm.org/weddings 

The Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is available to be booked for weddings. This contemporary art museum features sweeping views of Biscayne Bay, outdoor plazas with lush vegetation cascading from the canopy’s overhang, and a variety of modern indoor and outdoor spaces.

PAMM is located at 1103 Biscayne Blvd in Miami. Established in 1984.


Get Wedding Event Insurance: Buy Online in the US from Front Row

If you’re researching wedding venues in Florida, chances are good that you’re getting married or know somebody who is. Consider wedding insurance. Get a quote:

Wedding Insurance (USA): if you’re holding a private event at one of the above venues, you can buy insurance for the day of your event from Front Row.

About: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that specializes in the entertainment industry – specifically, the film industry. Front Row works hard to provide insurance protection for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment. Offices in: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, NY, Nashville and LA.

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