Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance is designed to protect the production company against sums that they may become legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages for bodily injury or property damage to third parties arising out of the production company's operations. It includes the cost of a lawyer to defend you.
This coverage will be required prior to filming on any city or provincial roadways, or any locations/sites requiring filming permits.
Coverage can be amended to include an international indemnification clause, which can provide indemnification for suits brought forth against the production company outside Canada or the USA.
There is limited or no coverage for claims arising out of the use of motor vehicles, aircraft, watercraft or snow machines under a Commercial General Liability policy. Your broker should be advised if you plan to use any of these types of machinery so that your coverage options can be explained to you. Coverage may require the purchase of an additional policy.
To obtain a no-obligation insurance quote for your project, please click on one of the links below:
Short-Term Production Insurance:Coverage can include Commercial General Liability, Film Equipment Insurance, Props/Sets/Wardrobe coverage, Automobile Physical Damage and more.
Film Production Package For a Single Production:Film Production Package for a single production: features, television series, documentaries, and more.
Blanket Annual Production Package: A convenient way of administering your insurance if you anticipate multiple productions in the next twelve months. This type of policy covers Documentaries, Corporate Videos, Commercials, Educational Films, Music Videos, Shorts, and more.
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