Automobile Insurance for Films | Car Insurance for Film Productions

Automobile Physical Damage Insurance for Producers
Covers hired automobiles which are the property of others and for which the insured is liable and which are lost, damaged or destroyed during the term of coverage while such property is used or to be used in connection with the declared production.
Coverage is only for damage to hired vehicles. Auto Liability coverage needs to be provided by the owner of the vehicle or through the purchase of a separate Auto Liability policy.
Stunt and precision driving is typically excluded on policies. Can be removed with details on the work being performed.
There is typically no age restriction on age of driver for this coverage. However, restrictions may be imposed by the rental company.
Non-owned & Hired Automobile Liability Insurance for Production Companies
Provides coverage for the policy holder’s legal liability imposed by law for loss arising from the use or operation of any automobile not owned in whole or in part or licensed in the name of the policy holder (Production) and resulting from bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to property of others not in the care, custody or control of the policy holder.
Coverage applies to vehicles not owned by the policy holder or any partner, officer or employee.
Coverage typically applies within Canada or the USA only.
Picture Car Insurance in Canada and USA
We're able to insure picture cars in Canada and the USA under production insurance / Commercial Vehicle Physical Damage (CVPD). Contact us to discuss.
To obtain coverage a no obligation insurance quote for your project, please click on one of the links below:
Coverage can include Commercial General Liability, Film Equipment Insurance, Props/Sets/Wardrobe coverage, Automobile Physical Damage and more.
Film Production Package for a single production: features, television series, documentaries, and more.
A convenient way of administering insurance if you anticipate multiple productions in the next twelve months. This type of policy covers Documentaries, Corporate Videos, Commercials, Educational Films, Music Videos, Shorts, and more.
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