Venue Insurance in Canada

Your venue welcomes the world | Venue insurance Canada
Whether it’s an audience of ten thousand or something more intimate, you open your space to the public, and to the people who know how to draw a crowd. This, in turn, exposes you and your venue to certain risks that can be managed with the right kind of venue insurance.
Whether you need stadium insurance or community theatre insurance or amphitheater insurance or auditorium insurance or concert hall insurance or insurance for an outdoor stage, you are responsible for the safety of the public and performers and you could become liable if someone is injured at your venue. You also have to be concerned with potential damage to property, performance cancellations, the care and conduct of your employees… then there’s all the stuff you never could have predicted!
Front Row’s venue insurance program will look at your specific venue, and we’ll tailor coverage to meet your unique needs. We’ll look at things like:
- Your venue’s capacity
- The frequency of performances
- Types of performances hosted
- Types of concessions sold (any alcohol?)
- The characteristics of the building where it all happens
When it comes to risk, we’ve got the best seat in the house, and we can help you see your exposures from every angle. That means you can confidently welcome the world’s best, brightest, and craziest–whatever the world throws at you, you’ll be ready!
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Event Insurance 101 & How to Protect Your Events
Holiday Office Party Insurance
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