Film production cast insurance and artists' hobbies/outside interests

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Harrison Ford and film production insurance. These terms go together like peanut butter and nuclear warfare.
Han Solo is at it again. After being injured on the set of Star Wars, Ford was injured again in a minor plane crash in 2015. While flying his vintage plane, he experienced engine trouble and crashed on a Venice, California golf course. Hopefully, next time he'll have the decency to yell "FORE" before impact. How will his future film projects be affected? One thing's for sure, the insurance industry is taking note.
It has already been reported that insurance carriers associated with Ford’s future film projects may put it in writing that he is forbidden to fly recreationally so long as they carry the film production insurance on his movies.
Cast Insurance Coverage reimburses the production company for any extra expense or cost necessary to complete the principle photography of a covered production due to injury of any covered performer or director. However, most film insurance policies have an exclusion under the Cast Coverage for any covered cast member taking part in flying other than as a passenger.
It is very important for a production to obtain details on their artists' hobbies/outside interests when signing them onto a project, as these types of policy exclusions can become very expensive issues down the line.
Lloyd's of London might be inclined to write a policy that would protect Ford even if he were to fly during production; however, the premiums would be above and beyond the cost of the primary film insurance package.
It looks like if Ford wants production insurance, he may have to stick to flying the Millennium Falcon on set. Don't fly, Harrison! Don't fly!
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