Movie Theatre Cinema Insurance: Protection for Owners

Proper movie theatre insurance allows you to transfer the risks of operating a cinema so you can focus on marketing and growing your business.
Do You Need Movie Theatre Insurance?
Yes: Film house insurance allows you to obtain financing at the bank and it helps you avoid bankruptcy caused by accidents in your theatre. These are some examples of repairs and lawsuits that can happen:
- A yoga instructor slips on spilled drink in the dark and blows out a knee and sues for loss of future earnings.
- Customer gets sick after ordering at the concession and blames food for lost wages.
- Bathrooms are vandalized causing a flood.
- The building burns to the ground or is damaged in an earthquake.
What Does Movie Theatre Insurance Cover?
A basic movie house insurance policy should include compensation for damage to your building or furnishings, as well as your responsibility any customers that are injured visiting your property.
Are you in the US? Event insurance in the US can be arranged quickly through our online program.
You likely need protection for:
- Commercial theatre property coverage: This covers the building and contents, such as: desktops and other office equipment, cash machines, digital projectors, screens, seating, etc.
- Business interruption coverage: This protects against lost business income and pays for on-going operating expenses if you need to shut down.
- Commercial theatre general liability coverage: This pays for bodily injury and property damage due to your negligence (e.g., a guest falls down the stairs from the balcony and sues because the carpet was not glued down on one of the stairs)
At Front Row we can provide you with:
- Liquor liability for venues : This is necessary if you sell alcoholic beverages at your movie theatre. It protects you in instances of bodily injury and property damage that result from selling or serving alcohol.
- Short-term Venue Liability Insurance: If you do short term rentals at your theatre, you can direct your tenants to our online short term event insurance and short term venue insurance site where they can purchase special event insurance in 5 minutes and provide you with evidence of one day event insurance so that your theatre is protected.
How Much Does Movie Theatre Insurance Cost?
Depends on your revenue, number of screens, location, construction of your building, age of venue. Contact us for an estimate.
About: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that provides office movie theatre insurance for the lowest possible cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row ensures that movie theatre insurance client receives the money they are owed per the office insurance policy, as quickly as possible. Front Row has offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.
Event Insurance 101 & How to Protect Your Events
Movie Theatres
Holiday Office Party Insurance
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