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data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n{\n \"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\" : \"Article\",\n \"author\" : \"Grant Patten\",\n \"publisher\" : \"Front Row Insurance\",\n \"name\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE 101: PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-equipment-insurance-you-may-not-be-covered-by-your-homeowners-policy-if-you-have-sold-prints-in-the-past\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT INSURANCE: YOU MAY NOT BE COVERED BY HOMEOWNERS</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-business-do-i-need-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">I’M JUST STARTING OUT IN MY PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS; DO I NEED INSURANCE?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/4-questions-to-consider-when-buying-photography-business-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">4 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/equipmenttheftfromvehicle\" rel=\" noopener\">THEFT FROM VEHICLE: PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE EXPLAINED</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-save-money-on-your-camera-insurance-if-you-are-a-photographer-or-videographer\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHERS &amp; VIDEOGRAPHERS: SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAMERA INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/camera-insurance-how-to-reduce-the-cost-to-insure-your-photography-equipment\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO REDUCE THE COST TO INSURE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-lenses\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CAMERA LENS(ES)</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/what-to-know-about-rain-photography-protecting-your-camera-in-rain\" rel=\" noopener\">WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT RAIN PHOTOGRAPHY: PROTECTING YOUR CAMERA IN RAIN</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/underwater-photography-in-water-photography-camera-protection\" rel=\" noopener\">UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY BEST PRACTICES / IN-WATER PHOTOGRAPHY</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR FROM OVERHEATING</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-from-sand\" rel=\" noopener\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA AT THE BEACH / PROTECT YOUR CAMERA FROM SAND</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/organizing-your-camera-gear\" rel=\" noopener\">ORGANIZING YOUR CAMERA GEAR / KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/insurance-for-photos-booths-photo-booth-insurance-from-front-row\" rel=\" noopener\">INSURANCE FOR PHOTOS BOOTHS | PHOTO BOOTH INSURANCE FROM FRONT ROW</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/video-how-do-i-add-an-additional-insured-to-my-policy\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW DO I ADD AN ADDITIONAL INSURED TO MY POLICY?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/5-things-to-know-about-making-a-photography-insurance-claim\" rel=\" noopener\">5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MAKING A PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE CLAIM</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/online-camera-insurance-policies-for-photographers\" rel=\" noopener\">FRONT ROW: OFFERING ONLINE CAMERA INSURANCE POLICIES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS</a></p>\n<h4 class=\"p3\"><strong style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\"><i>DISCLAIMER</i></strong><i style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\">:<span style=\"font-weight: normal;\"> Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p></span>","rss_summary":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n","tag_ids":[949709739,3282917913],"topic_ids":[949709739,3282917913],"blog_post_schedule_task_uid":null,"blog_publish_to_social_media_task":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id":null,"blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count":null,"rss_body":"<script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n{\n \"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\" : \"Article\",\n \"author\" : \"Grant Patten\",\n \"publisher\" : \"Front Row Insurance\",\n \"name\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! 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These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p>","keywords":[],"published_at":1672951769213,"head_html":null,"footer_html":null,"attached_stylesheets":[],"enable_domain_stylesheets":null,"include_default_custom_css":null,"meta_description":"If you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat, but...","meta_keywords":null,"deleted_by":null,"featured_image_alt_text":"Girl with camera in hot weather: photography 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\"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! 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These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p></span>","postBodyRss":"<script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n{\n \"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\" : \"Article\",\n \"author\" : \"Grant Patten\",\n \"publisher\" : \"Front Row Insurance\",\n \"name\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE 101: PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-equipment-insurance-you-may-not-be-covered-by-your-homeowners-policy-if-you-have-sold-prints-in-the-past\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT INSURANCE: YOU MAY NOT BE COVERED BY HOMEOWNERS</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-business-do-i-need-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">I’M JUST STARTING OUT IN MY PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS; DO I NEED INSURANCE?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/4-questions-to-consider-when-buying-photography-business-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">4 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/equipmenttheftfromvehicle\" rel=\" noopener\">THEFT FROM VEHICLE: PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE EXPLAINED</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-save-money-on-your-camera-insurance-if-you-are-a-photographer-or-videographer\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHERS &amp; VIDEOGRAPHERS: SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAMERA INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/camera-insurance-how-to-reduce-the-cost-to-insure-your-photography-equipment\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO REDUCE THE COST TO INSURE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-lenses\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CAMERA LENS(ES)</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/what-to-know-about-rain-photography-protecting-your-camera-in-rain\" rel=\" noopener\">WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT RAIN PHOTOGRAPHY: PROTECTING YOUR CAMERA IN RAIN</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/underwater-photography-in-water-photography-camera-protection\" rel=\" noopener\">UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY BEST PRACTICES / IN-WATER PHOTOGRAPHY</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR FROM OVERHEATING</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-from-sand\" rel=\" noopener\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA AT THE BEACH / PROTECT YOUR CAMERA FROM SAND</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/organizing-your-camera-gear\" rel=\" noopener\">ORGANIZING YOUR CAMERA GEAR / KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/insurance-for-photos-booths-photo-booth-insurance-from-front-row\" rel=\" noopener\">INSURANCE FOR PHOTOS BOOTHS | PHOTO BOOTH INSURANCE FROM FRONT ROW</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/video-how-do-i-add-an-additional-insured-to-my-policy\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW DO I ADD AN ADDITIONAL INSURED TO MY POLICY?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/5-things-to-know-about-making-a-photography-insurance-claim\" rel=\" noopener\">5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MAKING A PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE CLAIM</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/online-camera-insurance-policies-for-photographers\" rel=\" noopener\">FRONT ROW: OFFERING ONLINE CAMERA INSURANCE POLICIES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS</a></p>\n<h4 class=\"p3\"><strong style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\"><i>DISCLAIMER</i></strong><i style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\">:<span style=\"font-weight: normal;\"> Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p>","postEmailContent":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>","postFeaturedImageIfEnabled":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg","postListContent":"<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n{\n \"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\" : \"Article\",\n \"author\" : \"Grant Patten\",\n \"publisher\" : \"Front Row Insurance\",\n \"name\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! 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These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p></span>","postListSummaryFeaturedImage":"","postRssContent":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>","postRssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg","postSummary":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n","postSummaryRss":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>","postTemplate":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","previewImageSrc":null,"previewKey":"eEhaPVYT","previousPostFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/covid-shutterstock_1660469317-forweb600.jpg","previousPostFeaturedImageAltText":"Filmmakers & Videographers in the Field During the COVID-19 Pandemic","previousPostName":"Filmmakers & Videographers in the Field During COVID-19","previousPostSlug":"articles/filmmakers-videographers-in-the-field-during-the-covid-19-pandemic","processingStatus":"PUBLISHED","propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl":null,"propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage":null,"propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription":null,"propertyForDynamicPageSlug":null,"propertyForDynamicPageTitle":null,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1591106081000,"publishDateLocalTime":1591106081000,"publishDateLocalized":{"date":1591106081000,"format":"medium","language":"en_US"},"publishImmediately":true,"publishTimezoneOffset":null,"publishedAt":1672951769213,"publishedByEmail":null,"publishedById":7915797,"publishedByName":null,"publishedUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles/protect-your-camera-from-overheating","resolvedDomain":"www.frontrowinsurance.com","resolvedLanguage":null,"rssBody":"<script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n{\n \"@context\" : \"http://schema.org\",\n \"@type\" : \"Article\",\n \"author\" : \"Grant Patten\",\n \"publisher\" : \"Front Row Insurance\",\n \"name\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"headline\" : \"How to protect your camera from overheating\",\n \"datePublished\" : \"2020-06-02\",\n \"image\" : \"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2>Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://geni.us/pA3D\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://geni.us/1PcPp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\" width=\"200\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2>Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\" width=\"250\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://geni.us/outd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://geni.us/lbe7\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2>Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\" width=\"600\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2>Refer a Friend to Front Row</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! 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These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</span></i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p>","rssSummary":"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n","rssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg","scheduledUpdateDate":0,"screenshotPreviewTakenAt":1737492566396,"screenshotPreviewUrl":"https://cdn1.hubspot.net/hubshotv3/prod/e/0/221fcd10-4e42-4b7a-9b45-3b100aaf8250.png","sections":{},"securityState":"NONE","siteId":null,"slug":"articles/protect-your-camera-from-overheating","stagedFrom":null,"state":"PUBLISHED","stateWhenDeleted":null,"structuredContentPageType":null,"structuredContentType":null,"styleOverrideId":null,"subcategory":"normal_blog_post","syncedWithBlogRoot":true,"tagIds":[949709739,3282917913],"tagList":[{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1401901805000,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":949709739,"label":"Pyrotechnics","language":"en","name":"Pyrotechnics","portalId":61352,"slug":"pyrotechnics","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1666900159462},{"categoryId":0,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1439930219332,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":3282917913,"label":"Photography 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\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\"\n}\n</script><h1>How to protect your camera from overheating</h1>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1638413680-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Protect your camera from overheating / protect your camera in the heat\" width=\"600\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Source</i></strong><i>: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock</i></span></p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p2\">It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…</p>\n<h2 class=\"p4\">Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\">First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the <strong>operating temperature</strong> of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2L0B1KY\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">anti-fog eyepieces</span></a> [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/35vi38B\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">silica gel packets</span></a> [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An <strong>airtight camera case</strong> such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2SyGc9a\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case</span></a> [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen <i>away</i> from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If possible, use <strong>external batteries</strong>. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are <strong>dummy battery adapters</strong> that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YyUJFI\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">aluminized heat shield tape</span></a> [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do <strong>not</strong> wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Consider getting a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yse7t5\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit</span></a> [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/35xdHO8\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">mini umbrella</span></a> [Amazon Link] over the camera.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-ez-up-tent-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tent\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\">Consider using a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3c7HBv2\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>portable tent</strong> such as the one from E-Z UP</span></a> [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://amzn.to/2KV2wFE\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries</a></span> [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">If feasible, have a <strong>backup camera body</strong> and rotate between the two bodies.</p>\n<h2 class=\"p2\">Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Always favour weather sealed cameras. <strong>Weather sealing</strong> a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GoPro</span> is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yTOHVn\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">GoPro HERO7 Action Camera</span></a>. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR &amp; kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2YBTfub\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Nikon D850 DSLR</span></a> [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2W3z4np\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Olympus TG-6</span></a> [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-pentax-k70-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 3px 10px 10px;\">Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2Y0PRss\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><strong>Pentax K-70 Black</strong></span></a> [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3azlGeF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR</span></a> [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">The <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3cffMAQ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">Canon 1DX Mark II</span></a> [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.</p>\n<h3 class=\"p3\">Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:</h3>\n<p class=\"p3\">Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2WuQWX4\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">UV-Haze filter</span></a> [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">You could place <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yuxKAK\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">cold gel packs</span></a> [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Similarly, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yiGHgN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal paste</span></a> and <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3aZiMAd\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">thermal pads</span></a> [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Generally, <a href=\"https://amzn.to/3ffhDYu\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">carbon fiber tripods</span></a> [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Have some <a href=\"https://amzn.to/2yqVRjV\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">camera wipes</span></a> [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.</p>\n<h2 class=\"p2\">Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography of your own:</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photo-graphy-shutterstock_1200723487-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes\" width=\"600\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_1007762446-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area\" width=\"600\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446</span></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/How%20to%20protect%20your%20camera%20from%20overheating/protect-camera-overheating-hot-weather-photography-shutterstock_190813220-forweb600.jpg\" alt=\"Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain\" width=\"600\" style=\"width: 600px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p3\">Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.<br><span style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220</span></p>\n<h2 class=\"p2\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\">Get Photography Insurance</a> | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that <i>does</i> happen, you will want to have <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">photography insurance</span></a> in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>Front Row’s </strong><span class=\"s2\"><strong>insurance for photographers</strong></span></a> is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the <a href=\"https://photographer.frontrowinsurance.com/\"><span class=\"s1\">photography insurance</span></a> site.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\"><span style=\"background-color: #ffff04;\"><strong><i>Note</i></strong><i>: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is </i><strong><i>not</i></strong><i> automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. </i><a href=\"/contact-us\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\"><i>Contact us</i></span></a><i> to discuss the details.</i></span></p>\n<h2 class=\"p2\">Refer a Friend to Front Row Insurance</h2>\n<p class=\"p3\">Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our <a href=\"/referral\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">referral marketing program</span></a> and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! <i>(depending on your province)</i></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">&nbsp;</p>\n<h3>Related Posts:</h3>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/photography-insurance-101\" rel=\" noopener\"><strong>FREE EBOOK</strong>! PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE 101: PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-equipment-insurance-you-may-not-be-covered-by-your-homeowners-policy-if-you-have-sold-prints-in-the-past\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT INSURANCE: YOU MAY NOT BE COVERED BY HOMEOWNERS</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/photography-business-do-i-need-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">I’M JUST STARTING OUT IN MY PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS; DO I NEED INSURANCE?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/4-questions-to-consider-when-buying-photography-business-insurance\" rel=\" noopener\">4 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/equipmenttheftfromvehicle\" rel=\" noopener\">THEFT FROM VEHICLE: PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE EXPLAINED</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-save-money-on-your-camera-insurance-if-you-are-a-photographer-or-videographer\" rel=\" noopener\">PHOTOGRAPHERS &amp; VIDEOGRAPHERS: SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAMERA INSURANCE</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/camera-insurance-how-to-reduce-the-cost-to-insure-your-photography-equipment\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO REDUCE THE COST TO INSURE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-lenses\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CAMERA LENS(ES)</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/what-to-know-about-rain-photography-protecting-your-camera-in-rain\" rel=\" noopener\">WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT RAIN PHOTOGRAPHY: PROTECTING YOUR CAMERA IN RAIN</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/underwater-photography-in-water-photography-camera-protection\" rel=\" noopener\">UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY BEST PRACTICES / IN-WATER PHOTOGRAPHY</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA GEAR FROM OVERHEATING</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/how-to-protect-your-camera-from-sand\" rel=\" noopener\">PROTECT YOUR CAMERA AT THE BEACH / PROTECT YOUR CAMERA FROM SAND</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/organizing-your-camera-gear\" rel=\" noopener\">ORGANIZING YOUR CAMERA GEAR / KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/insurance-for-photos-booths-photo-booth-insurance-from-front-row\" rel=\" noopener\">INSURANCE FOR PHOTOS BOOTHS | PHOTO BOOTH INSURANCE FROM FRONT ROW</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/video-how-do-i-add-an-additional-insured-to-my-policy\" rel=\" noopener\">HOW DO I ADD AN ADDITIONAL INSURED TO MY POLICY?</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/5-things-to-know-about-making-a-photography-insurance-claim\" rel=\" noopener\">5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MAKING A PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE CLAIM</a></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"/articles/online-camera-insurance-policies-for-photographers\" rel=\" noopener\">FRONT ROW: OFFERING ONLINE CAMERA INSURANCE POLICIES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS</a></p>\n<h4 class=\"p3\"><strong style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\"><i>DISCLAIMER</i></strong><i style=\"font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent;\">: Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.</i></h4>\n<p class=\"p5\"><span style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></span></p>\n<h4>Citations:</h4>\n<p class=\"p6\"><span class=\"s3\"><a href=\"https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/\"><span class=\"s2\">https://blog.photoshelter.com/2010/08/keeping-your-camera-gear-safe-in-the-heat/</span></a><br><a href=\"https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/\"><span class=\"s2\">https://gimbalgarage.com/stop-your-sony-a6300-overheating/</span></a></span></p>"},"deleted_at":1614093921594,"id":"post_body","label":"Blog Content","name":"post_body","type":"rich_text"}}}

Protect your camera from overheating / protect your camera in the heat

Girl with camera in hot weather: photography insurance Canada

Source: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1638413680, Shutterstock

It’s true – if you’re a professional photographer who can afford to purchase the highest quality camera bodies, they should be able to withstand the heat without any issues, but there are still some best practices that you should keep in mind when shooting in hot weather. Let’s review those in this article…

Tips to protect your camera from overheating / protecting your camera in the heat / shooting in high temperatures

First, check with your camera’s manufacturer to find out the operating temperature of the camera. Avoid taking the camera into environments that will likely exceed this temperature.

Avoid condensation issues by allowing your camera and other equipment to warm up gradually before exposing them to a hot environment. Avoid rapid changes in temperature; limit the number of transitions from warm to cold, and vice versa. For certain camera models, you can even find anti-fog eyepieces [Amazon Link] that reduce condensation.

Consider placing your camera body and lenses in airtight, sealable bags with silica gel packets [Amazon Link] inside before exposing them to heat. An airtight camera case such as the Pelican Small DSLR Camera Case [Amazon Link] would also do the trick.

If you have a camera with an articulating LCD screen, tilt the screen away from the camera body. If you leave the LCD pressed up against the body, this will increase the amount of heat on the camera and can lead to overheating.

Consider leaving your camera’s battery door open, assuming the batteries are adequately snug inside. The door usually doesn’t have to be closed to use the camera. This practice can help dissipate heat.

If possible, use external batteries. If you’re shooting and have a power outlet nearby (or one that could be accessed with extension cords), there are dummy battery adapters that could be used. The dummy battery rests in the camera, which only has a power cord inside, and not an actual battery.

Consider covering any large black surfaces of your camera with aluminized heat shield tape [Amazon Link]. This should reflect the majority of radiant heat. Similarly, placing a white towel or rag over the camera body and lens should reflect sun and keep the camera from heating up too much. Just drape the towel; do not wrap the camera, as you want some air to be able to flow around it.

Consider getting a Lighting Reflector and Stand Kit [Amazon Link]; leave the camera under the reflector with the silver side up. Similarly, you could place a mini umbrella [Amazon Link] over the camera.

Front Row Photography: E-Z UP portable tentConsider using a portable tent such as the one from E-Z UP [Amazon Link]; keep yourself and your photo gear under this for the majority of the shoot and you’ll avoid overheating issues.

Cordless fans powered by lithium-ion batteries [Amazon Link] can help cool down your photography gear in hot environments.

Look at upgrading your memory card(s) – especially if they’re old – to ensure they’re efficient; your camera will then not build up as much internal heat while you shoot.

Device-intensive features such as Live View and HD video recording will generate heat; therefore, don’t use them in the heat unless truly necessary.

If feasible, have a backup camera body and rotate between the two bodies.

Best cameras for hot weather photography / warm weather photography / hot weather photography

Always favour weather sealed cameras. Weather sealing a camera refers to having rubber gaskets in the seams to keep the elements from the camera’s internals. However, if the lens doesn't have weather sealing also, elements can still enter into the camera through the lens mount.

Many cameras are already weather sealed, but don’t assume that your camera is necessarily weather sealed just because it’s a new model. Check with the camera manufacturer to verify.

GoPro is likely the first brand that most people consider when thinking about shooting in harsh, hot climates, and certainly they have some good options, such as the GoPro HERO7 Action Camera. [Amazon Link] However, the image quality on GoPros often isn’t the greatest and they’re generally better for videography than photography.

Point-and-shoot cameras are fine for daytime shooting in hot weather, but you’ll want a basic DSLR & kit lens for any nighttime, low light performance.

Some good DSLRs to consider for hot weather photography:

The Nikon D850 DSLR [Amazon Link] is big and bulky; not much else can match its combination of speed, image quality, and ruggedness.

The Olympus TG-6 [Amazon Link] is branded as “Tough” because it can handle shooting in most harsh environments. It is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof, crushproof, and freezeproof.

Front Row Photography: PENTAX K-70Pentax is known for having excellent weather sealing. The Pentax K-70 Black [Amazon Link] is fully weather sealed and has largely positive reviews on Amazon. This camera is built specifically for outdoor shooting. Another solid, less expensive option from this brand is the Pentax K-30 Weather-Sealed 16 MP CMOS Digital SLR [Amazon Link], which is also weather sealed and built for shooting outdoors.

The Canon 1DX Mark II [Amazon Link] is built for abuse but is also quite expensive. Only professional photographers will want to consider this one.

Other camera accessories to help prevent overheating:

Place a UV filter on your lenses; more specifically, a UV-Haze filter [Amazon Link] can help cut through moderate smoke/particles that can be in the air on especially hot days.

You could place cold gel packs [Amazon Link] on your camera body/other photography equipment to help cool down gear.

Similarly, thermal paste and thermal pads [Amazon Links] can be effective at preventing overheating on many electronics by ensuring that heat generated from the CPU is dissipated.

Generally, carbon fiber tripods [Amazon Link] do better in hot weather than regular tripods.

Have some camera wipes [Amazon Link] on hand to dry off the camera.

Some Hot Weather Photographs | Hot Weather Photography | Warm Weather Photography | Summer Photography

Maybe one of these pictures can inspire you to do some hot weather photography:

Front Row Photography: Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes

Beautiful sunset in the mountain landscapes, reflection of sky, majestic sundown mount.
Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1200723487

Front Row Photography: Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area

Woman yoga practice in hot spring water area with natural hot stream water.
Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1007762446

Front Row Photography: Hot weather and no rain

Hot weather and no rain makes drought and fires.
Shutterstock: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 190813220

Get Photography Insurance | Insurance for photographers | Photographer Insurance | Fire Photography Insurance

Following these tips will, hopefully, allow you to avoid hot weather-related damage to your photography gear. However, just in case something like that does happen, you will want to have photography insurance in place to help cover the cost of repair/replacement.

Front Row’s insurance for photographers is a good option for insuring your photo gear. You can get a quote and purchase a policy online in just five minutes, or read more about the coverages available on the photography insurance site.

Note: if you are interested in doing any kind of fire photography or photography in and around pyrotechnics, that is not automatically covered and will require special underwriting authorization. Contact us to discuss the details.

Refer a Friend to Front Row

Based on customer demand, we’ve setup our referral marketing program and if you refer a friend to Front Row, you could win a $15 Amazon eGift Card OR be entered into a random draw to win a $99 Amazon eGift Card! (depending on your province)


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DISCLAIMER: Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your broker for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.

Amazon Associates Disclosure: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.



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