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one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p></span>","rss_summary":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n","rss_body":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p>","tag_ids":[32801247724],"topic_ids":[32801247724],"post_summary":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n","blog_post_schedule_task_uid":null,"blog_publish_to_social_media_task":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid":"DONE","blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id":null,"blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count":null,"keywords":[],"published_at":1666210640415,"head_html":null,"footer_html":null,"attached_stylesheets":[],"enable_domain_stylesheets":null,"include_default_custom_css":null,"meta_description":"As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions may have an easier time 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rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p></span>","postBodyRss":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p>","postEmailContent":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2> \n<ol class=\"ol1\"> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li> \n</ol> \n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>","postFeaturedImageIfEnabled":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb600.jpg","postListContent":"<span id=\"hs_cos_wrapper_post_body\" class=\"hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text\" style=\"\" data-hs-cos-general-type=\"meta_field\" data-hs-cos-type=\"rich_text\" ><h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p></span>","postListSummaryFeaturedImage":"","postRssContent":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2> \n<ol class=\"ol1\"> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li> \n</ol> \n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>","postRssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb600.jpg","postSummary":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n","postSummaryRss":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2> \n<ol class=\"ol1\"> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li> \n <li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li> \n</ol> \n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>","postTemplate":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","previewImageSrc":null,"previewKey":"CiPNoiqg","previousPostFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/blog-image-uploads/best%20photography%20how%20to%20books/understanding-exposure-book-forweb600.jpg","previousPostFeaturedImageAltText":"Understanding Exposure: Best How-to Photography Books","previousPostName":"The 10 Best How-to Photography Books","previousPostSlug":"articles/10-best-how-to-photography-books","processingStatus":"PUBLISHED","propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl":null,"propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage":null,"propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription":null,"propertyForDynamicPageSlug":null,"propertyForDynamicPageTitle":null,"publicAccessRules":[],"publicAccessRulesEnabled":false,"publishDate":1595859064000,"publishDateLocalTime":1595859064000,"publishDateLocalized":{"date":1595859064000,"format":"medium","language":"en_US"},"publishImmediately":true,"publishTimezoneOffset":null,"publishedAt":1666210640415,"publishedByEmail":null,"publishedById":7915797,"publishedByName":null,"publishedUrl":"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/articles/the-top-10-films-that-could-have-been-made-during-the-covid-pandemic","resolvedDomain":"www.frontrowinsurance.com","resolvedLanguage":null,"rssBody":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://geni.us/5ZnF\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://geni.us/PDmN\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was <a href=\"https://geni.us/tWEOQBB\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">remade</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DjUkQ0\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">The film</span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://geni.us/nbZr\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville </i></span></a>[Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://geni.us/V0qG\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/a4x8cW\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/DBXa9dJ\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></span></a> [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/UYg2G8y\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/aYM9qp\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This American drama film</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://geni.us/88ah54\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a> [Amazon Affiliate Link]</span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<div>\n<p style=\"font-size: 14px;\"><strong><i>Amazon Associates Disclosure</i></strong><i>: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.</i></p>\n</div>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p>","rssSummary":"<h2 style=\"font-size: 36px;\"><i>…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room</i></h2>\n<ol class=\"ol1\">\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#rear\" rel=\" noopener\">Rear Window</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#sleuth\" rel=\" noopener\">Sleuth</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n","rssSummaryFeaturedImage":"https://61352.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb600.jpg","scheduledUpdateDate":0,"screenshotPreviewTakenAt":1737922689555,"screenshotPreviewUrl":"https://cdn1.hubspot.net/hubshotv3/prod/e/0/405b7105-122c-47e4-b0be-5ada62c73bf9.png","sections":{},"securityState":"NONE","siteId":null,"slug":"articles/the-top-10-films-that-could-have-been-made-during-the-covid-pandemic","stagedFrom":null,"state":"PUBLISHED","stateWhenDeleted":null,"structuredContentPageType":null,"structuredContentType":null,"styleOverrideId":null,"subcategory":"normal_blog_post","syncedWithBlogRoot":true,"tagIds":[32801247724],"tagList":[{"categoryId":3,"cdnPurgeEmbargoTime":null,"contentIds":[],"cosObjectType":"TAG","created":1595611425750,"deletedAt":0,"description":"","id":32801247724,"label":"COVID-19","language":null,"name":"COVID-19","portalId":61352,"slug":"covid-19","translatedFromId":null,"translations":{},"updated":1595611425750}],"tagNames":["COVID-19"],"teamPerms":[],"templatePath":"","templatePathForRender":"prox_frontrow/templates/blog/blog-post.html","textToAudioFileId":null,"textToAudioGenerationRequestId":null,"themePath":null,"themeSettingsValues":null,"title":"The Top 10 Films that Could Have Been Made During the COVID 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href=\"#andre\" rel=\" noopener\">My Dinner with Andre</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogville\" rel=\" noopener\">Dogville</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#maiden\" rel=\" noopener\">Death and the Maiden</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dark\" rel=\" noopener\">Wait Until Dark</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#dogday\" rel=\" noopener\">Dog Day Afternoon</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#deterrence\" rel=\" noopener\">Deterrence</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#tape\" rel=\" noopener\">Tape</a></li>\n<li class=\"li1\"><a href=\"#arsenic\" rel=\" noopener\">Arsenic and Old Lace</a></li>\n</ol>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p class=\"p1\">As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions <i>may</i> have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to <i>Rear Window</i> size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>In no particular order:</i></p>\n<a id=\"rear\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/rear-window-shutterstock_1692012427-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427\" width=\"200\" style=\"width: 200px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px; float: right;\"></strong>Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rear_Window\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Rear Window</i></span></a> involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i>Rear Window</i> was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"sleuth\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)</h2>\n<br>\n<p class=\"p1\"><i><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Sleuth-Athelhampton-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560\" width=\"350\" style=\"width: 350px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></i>Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleuth_(1972_film)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Sleuth</i></span></a>, starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was remade in 2007.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"andre\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2><strong><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/my-dinner-andre-jefferson-hotel-shutterstock_631982939-forweb.jpg\" alt=\"Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939\" width=\"250\" style=\"width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 10px 10px;\"></strong>Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082783/\">The film</a></span> was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogville\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #4: Dogville (2003)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and <a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0276919/\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Dogville</i></span></a> is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"maiden\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Roman Polanski’s <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_and_the_Maiden_(film)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\"><i>Death and the Maiden</i></span></a> is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dark\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wait_Until_Dark_(film)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><i>Wait Until Dark</i></a></span> involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"dogday\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\">Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072890/\"><i>Dog Day Afternoon</i></a></span> was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"deterrence\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deterrence_(film)\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">This political drama film</a></span> imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"tape\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #9: Tape (2001)</h2>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0275719/\">This American drama film</a></span> starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<a id=\"arsenic\" data-hs-anchor=\"true\"></a>\n<h2>Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)</h2>\n<p class=\"p2\"><img src=\"https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/61352/COVID/COVID-Pandemic-Movies-Single-Location-Movies/Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" alt=\"Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain\" width=\"512\" style=\"width: 512px; display: block; margin: 0px auto;\"></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0036613/\">This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy</a></span> based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">---</p>\n<p class=\"p1\">Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects <i>(if feasible) </i>to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">Good luck and take care,</p>\n<p class=\"p3\" style=\"text-align: right;\">—The Front Row Team</p>\n<p class=\"p2\">&nbsp;</p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><strong>About</strong>: </span><a href=\"https://www.frontrowinsurance.com/\" style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span class=\"s1\">Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc.</span></a><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.</span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Related:</h3>\n<p class=\"p7\"><a href=\"/articles/guidance-on-health-and-safety-for-film-tv-workers-during-covid-19-wsps\" rel=\" noopener\"><span class=\"s2\">WSPS Guidance on COVID-19</span></a><span class=\"s3\"></span></p>\n<h3 class=\"p5\">Citations:</h3>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">Arsenic and Old Lace photo: <i>This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. </i><a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><span class=\"s1\">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg</span></a></p>"},"deleted_at":1613753955118,"id":"post_body","label":"Blog Content","name":"post_body","type":"rich_text"}}}

The Top 10 Films that Could Have Been Made During the COVID Pandemic

Rear Window: Top 10 Films that Could Have Been Made During COVID

…because they’re small scale, one-location film productions / one-room movies / one-location movies / single-location movies / films shot in one room

  1. Rear Window
  2. Sleuth
  3. My Dinner with Andre
  4. Dogville
  5. Death and the Maiden
  6. Wait Until Dark
  7. Dog Day Afternoon
  8. Deterrence
  9. Tape
  10. Arsenic and Old Lace


As COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures drag on in various parts of the world, the reality is that film productions may have an easier time getting financed and off the ground if those productions are made to be small scale in nature, and therefore easier to contain. When there are fewer people on set and in the cast, generally speaking, there are fewer risks involved. And when there are fewer risks involved, financiers and insurance companies are more amenable.

It may be fruitful, then, for filmmakers and film producers to consider how their productions could be simplified and scaled down. Sometimes this may be possible; sometimes it may not.

Of course, we realize that a movie originally planned to be the next Michael Bay-style action blockbuster can never realistically be scaled down to Rear Window size. However, filmmakers are – by their nature – creative individuals, and they just may surprise themselves with what is conceivable if they really take on this challenge to rethink their production scale.

In no particular order:

Rear Window Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427Movie #1: Rear Window (1954)

Arguably, Hitchcock’s best film, Rear Window [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves Jimmy Stewart’s photographer character confined to a wheelchair in his apartment. He gets curious about the neighbours in the building across the street, and a murder mystery ensues.

Rear Window was shot entirely at Paramount Studios on a large set replica of a Greenwich Village, NY courtyard.


Movie #2: Sleuth (1972)

Athelhampton House Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560Another fun mystery movie that was filmed on a small scale is Sleuth [Amazon Affiliate Link], starring Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. The plot involves Caine asking Olivier to divorce his wife so that Caine can marry her. Rather than simply granting this request, Olivier’s character decides to play a game, “a game with potentially deadly consequences.”

The film was shot primarily at Athelhampton House, Dorset, England (pictured) with some of the interiors recreated at Pinewood Studios.

The film was remade [Amazon Affiliate Link] in 2007.


Jefferson Hotel Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939Movie #3: My Dinner with Andre (1981)

It’s true, “two guys sitting at a table talking over dinner” doesn’t sound like a great movie idea and we can only wonder how it ever managed to get financed. Nevertheless, get financed it did, and it’s actually a pretty good movie featuring some interesting philosophical conversations about life, mortality, theatre, spirituality and more.

The film [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot entirely at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia (interior pictured).


Movie #4: Dogville (2003)

Danish director Lars von Trier never makes straightforward, “normal” films, and Dogville [Amazon Affiliate Link] is no exception to that – this film uses an extremely minimal, stage-like set to tell the story of Grace (Nicole Kidman), a woman hiding from mobsters.

The minimal, artificial set – with no pretense of looking anything like reality – is jarring when you begin watching the film, but eventually, the obvious artifice of the set gives way to the story and the solid performances.


Movie #5: Death and the Maiden (1994)

Roman Polanski’s Death and the Maiden [Amazon Affiliate Link] is a suspenseful thriller film based on a stageplay. The plot concerns a political activist (Sigourney Weaver) who is convinced that her guest (Ben Kingsley) is a man who once tortured her for the government.

The film was shot mainly in one interior location in France, with a few exteriors in Spain.


Movie #6: Wait Until Dark (1967)

Wait Until Dark [Amazon Affiliate Link] involves a blind woman (Audrey Hepburn) being terrorized by a trio of criminals while they search for a heroin-stuffed doll they believe is in her apartment.

The movie was shot primarily in a Manhattan apartment, with some studio interiors shot in Burbank, California.


Movie #7: Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Al Pacino arguably gives one of his better performances in this crime drama film where he plays real-life criminal John Wojtowicz, who purportedly robbed a bank in 1972 in order to pay for his lover’s sex reassignment surgery.

Dog Day Afternoon [Amazon Affiliate Link] was shot primarily at a bank in Brooklyn, NY that no longer exists. Some exteriors were filmed near Prospect Park.


Movie #8: Deterrence (1999)

This political drama film [Amazon Affiliate Link] imagines what might happen if the US president gets holed up in a diner during a freak snowstorm and has to deal with an escalating nuclear crisis at the same time.

The movie was filmed entirely in a diner (set in Colorado).


Movie #9: Tape (2001)

This American drama film [Amazon Affiliate Link] starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman is based on a play of the same name. The simple plot involves three old high school friends meeting in a motel room and dissecting painful memories from their past.

The movie takes place in real time and was filmed entirely in a single room in New York.


Movie #10: Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

Arsenic and Old Lace | This work is in the public domain

This Frank Capra screwball dark comedy [Amazon Affiliate Link] based on a stageplay concerns a writer (Cary Grant) whose aunts turn out to be serial murderers who poison aged bachelors “to end their suffering”.

The film was shot entirely in the Warner Brothers Burbank Studios in Burbank, California.


Hopefully, some of the above examples can inspire filmmakers and film producers to think about how to sufficiently amend the scale of their projects (if feasible) to enable them to more easily move forward in this ongoing COVID pandemic environment.

Good luck and take care,

—The Front Row Team


About: Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. is an independent insurance broker that provides film insurance for a very low cost. Should a claim occur, Front Row works diligently with clients and insurers to expedite the payment of claims.

Amazon Associates Disclosure: Front Row Insurance is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This post may contain affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you.


WSPS Guidance on COVID-19


Rear Window photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1692012427, Shutterstock

My Dinner w/ Andre photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 631982939, Shutterstock

Sleuth photo: Royalty-free stock photo ID: 1109553560, Shutterstock

Arsenic and Old Lace photo: This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jean_Adair_Josephine_Hull_Cary_Grant_Arsenic_and_Old_Lace_1944.jpg

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