Insurance for Theft of Camera and Film Equipment

Film Equipment Theft Insurance (Canada and USA): Front Row
You’ve finally gotten to the meat of the production: the principal photography phase. Much of the busywork is done; now for the fun part!
Unfortunately, as it so often does, disaster strikes at the worst time: a rented vehicle used in the production is stolen from the set. Worse, it contained an expensive piece of camera equipment (also rented). The vehicle is quickly recovered, but the camera equipment is nowhere to be found and there is damage to the vehicle. The cost of your production is suddenly mounting very quickly.
Could this have been prevented?
A commercial vehicle physical damage policy covers accidents mentioned above.
You’ll also want to ensure your production has production equipment insurance, which covers you against physical loss of or damage to, or destruction of, cameras, sound, lighting and grip equipment which are owned or rented by the production company.
A film production is a complex animal; you want the process to be as seamless as possible. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was one less thing to think about?
Ensure that your production is adequately covered so that you can concentrate on filmmaking rather than financing.
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