The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)
Digital Film Insurance and the Future | Digital Media Insurance
6 December, 2011 • Mike GronerInsurance for digital features, TV series and documentaries is evolving. It’s the case that many production companies now incorporate scenes in their films that were once captured live but are now being created, edited and manipulated digitally in post-production. What this means is that the need for negative/faulty in...
Film Insurance Claims: What to Do When Film Production Stops
27 February, 2010 • David HamiltonFilm Production Insurance claims can be settled quickly with a minimum of stress if the right steps are followed. Front Row Insurance Brokers Inc. provides claims reporting, monitoring, and advocacy services for clients, including preparing and reviewing loss runs and developing claims procedures. We are a liaison betw...
Film Production Insurance and Trains: Stay on Track
15 February, 2010 • David HamiltonThe film production company should always advise their film insurance broker well in advance of the anticipated use of any railway cars or equipment. You should never sign a contract with respect to use of trains without first having your entertainment insurance broker review the document. If the train is being used as...
Film Production Coverages Explained - Part 3
8 December, 2009 • David HamiltonSome important liability coverages to protect your film production: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY Covers against all sums that the insured shall become legally obligated to pay for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury arising out of the operations of the production company Excludes liability arising out ...
Film Production Insurance Coverages Explained - Part 2
7 December, 2009 • David HamiltonWhat follows are four more coverages that every producer needs to consider when creating a film project: EXTRA EXPENSE INSURANCE Covers expenditures that the insured may incur in the event of interruption, postponement or cancellation of production as a result of damage to, or destruction of, property or facilities OFF...
Film Production Insurance Coverages Explained - Part 1
23 November, 2009 • David HamiltonThere are several coverages that a producer needs when insuring a film project (by "film", we also mean HD and video): CAST INSURANCE Covers against extra expenditures caused by disability of insured cast members, director, DOP, or anyone else designated under cast coverage. NEGATIVE FILM & VIDEOTAPE INSURANCE Cove...
What is DICE? Docs, Industrial, Commercial, Educational Films
29 October, 2009 • Meghan StickneyPhoto credit: Unsplash This is a great insurance policy to save you time and money if you anticipate multiple projects in the next 12 months. Excludes*: - Feature Length or Theatrical/Television Release over $150,000 budget - Television Series or Episodes - Productions with shooting periods +90 Days (*unless specifical...
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