The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)
What does online DigiGear Equipment insurance actually cover?
2 August, 2016 • David HamiltonDigiGear Insurance Coverage for Film Equipment This unique offering allows owners of camera equipment, sound, lighting and other film equipment the opportunity to get a quick quote in 2 minutes and purchase insurance for their gear in less than five minutes, 365 days a year, 24/7. All equipment is covered for: theft, d...
Production Equipment and Props/Sets/Wardrobe Insurance Explained
20 July, 2016 • Mike GronerPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT INSURANCE: Covers against all risks of direct physical loss, damage or destruction to cameras, camera equipment, sound and lighting equipment, grip equipment, portable electrical equipment and generators, mechanical effects equipment and similar miscellaneous equipment against direct physical loss ...
Online Insurance for Owners of Camera, Sound & Lighting Gear
2 May, 2016 • David HamiltonThis unique offering allows owners of filming equipment the chance to get quick quotes and process policy documents in less than five minutes, 365 days a year, 24/7. “Visitors to the site that purchase a policy can sleep easy knowing their gear is covered on and off the set all year. The equipment is covered worldwide ...
Automobile Liability Insurance and Film Production Companies
9 July, 2015 • Steve BeattyAUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE All automobiles intended to be used on roads whether licensed or unlicensed must be covered by a primary automobile liability policy. Certain minimum coverage and limits are required by law but in all provinces third party liability insurance is compulsory. Owned Vehicles Automobiles owne...
How To Call A Wrap On Top Film Insurance Claims
12 June, 2015 • Adam GrenvilleFilm Insurance Claims Examples The average moviegoer only hears about film production insurance when it makes the headlines. After the tragic death of Paul Walker during the filming of Fast & Furious 7 in November 2013, the trade and popular media reported how it led to the largest movie insurance claim in history ...
Obtaining Insurance for your Short Film | Short Film Insurance Canada
30 December, 2013 • David HamiltonInsuring your short film is a fast, easy process with Front Row Our Short-Term Production Insurance program can include the following coverage for up to 15-days: (note that the online program is for Canadian-based producers only) The locations that you film at will usually want to see proof of your location liability i...
Film Production Insurance & Mechanical Devices on Set: Considerations
10 December, 2012 • David HamiltonMECHANICAL DEVICE SAFETY ON FILM SETS If a mechanical device or an articulated set is used in a production, the film insurance cost can be minimized if the production company ensures that: The device or set is capable of safely performing the functions for which it is used Workers operate the device or set in accordanc...
Film Production Companies and Camera Cars: Reducing the Risk
27 November, 2012 • David HamiltonPhoto by Jakob Owens on Unsplash The Camera Car in Filmmaking The camera car should be engineered specifically for film & television production. The insert-camera car operator has the authority to suspend operation of the vehicle if they believe the vehicle is unsafe in any way. Safety requirements when working wit...
Film Production Companies and Lighting Safety
19 November, 2012 • David HamiltonSetup Film Set Lighting Safely Use appropriate fall protection equipment [Amazon Affiliate Link] whenever setting up lighting at elevated heights Ensure that all lighting fixtures are supported so that they will not fall, i.e., use a safety wire [Amazon Affiliate Link] or chain to suspend fixtures Ensure that all light...
Earthquakes & Film Production: Prepare Emergency Kit before the Quake
2 November, 2012 • David HamiltonEarthquake Emergency Kit: Film Sets In case of an earthquake emergency during your film shoot, you’ll need some basic supplies, and you may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. Make sure that your kit is easily accessible and easy to carry, and that designa...
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