The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)
Earthquakes and Film Production: What to do when the Earth Moves
26 October, 2012 • David HamiltonIf you are indoors on a film production set or in a film production office... Drop, cover and hold on: Drop under heavy furniture such as a table, desk, or any solid furniture. Cover your head and torso to prevent being hit by falling objects. Hold onto the object that you are under so that you remain covered. If outdo...
Earthquakes and Film Production: Know the Risks and be Prepared
23 October, 2012 • David HamiltonEARTHQUAKES AND FILM SETS What would happen to your film production if it were shaken by a violent earthquake? There are various measures you can undertake to minimize damage so that you can continue to film as soon as possible: Staff and crew should be shown how to turn off the water and electricity in the office and ...
Helicopter Film Insurance: Protect your production against a crash
19 March, 2012 • David HamiltonFilm productions often use helicopters for aerial filming To make sure you are covered when using a helicopter during your film production you should never sign a contract with respect to the use of aircraft without first having our office, or a specialized film insurance broker, review the document. If the aircraft is...
Production Equipment Insurance – Why you NEED Extra Expense
15 October, 2011 • David HamiltonEXTRA EXPENSE (EE) COVERAGE When film production equipment is damaged or stolen what do you do? Ultimately your film production equipment insurance policy should provide the necessary coverage to replace your equipment; however it can take weeks, sometimes months to get insurance claims paid out. So what do you do in t...
DigiGear Film Production Equipment Insurance from Front Row Insurance
27 September, 2011 • David HamiltonFilm production equipment insurance is available from Front Row Insurance. We are specialized film insurance brokers with offices in Canada and the US. Film gear insurance can be arranged quickly through us, usually over the phone. Our program is very popular with new and established filmmakers because of the low cost ...
Reducing The Cost to Insure Film Equipment
21 March, 2010 • David HamiltonIt would seem to be obvious that one of the simplest ways to lower the cost to insure film equipment insurance costs is to assure the insurance company that the film gear is safe and secure in your possession: but what does this mean? As Specialized Film Insurance Brokers, we represent you to the insurance company to e...
Film Production Insurance Coverages Explained - Part 1
23 November, 2009 • David HamiltonThere are several coverages that a producer needs when insuring a film project (by "film", we also mean HD and video): CAST INSURANCE Covers against extra expenditures caused by disability of insured cast members, director, DOP, or anyone else designated under cast coverage. NEGATIVE FILM & VIDEOTAPE INSURANCE Cove...
What is DICE? Docs, Industrial, Commercial, Educational Films
29 October, 2009 • Meghan StickneyPhoto credit: Unsplash This is a great insurance policy to save you time and money if you anticipate multiple projects in the next 12 months. Excludes*: - Feature Length or Theatrical/Television Release over $150,000 budget - Television Series or Episodes - Productions with shooting periods +90 Days (*unless specifical...
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