The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)
E&O Insurance for your Film Production: Preventing Litigation
23 July, 2012 • David HamiltonA production lawyer's guide to obtaining E&O insurance FREE report: A production lawyer's guide to obtaining E&O insurance and preventing litigation. This comprehensive PDF report is an excellent introduction to what is and what is not covered by a film producer's E&O insurance policy. The author is an atto...
8 Ways To Save Money When Insuring Stunts & SPFX
2 April, 2012 • David HamiltonHire an experienced coordinator with a lengthy résumé. This is the most important step you can take to reduce your insurance costs. Close the set to public and guests. Use stunt actors, instead of your "real" actors. Provide a diagram showing where the equipment and crew will be located relative to the action. Place eq...
Helicopter Film Insurance: Protect your production against a crash
19 March, 2012 • David HamiltonFilm productions often use helicopters for aerial filming To make sure you are covered when using a helicopter during your film production you should never sign a contract with respect to the use of aircraft without first having our office, or a specialized film insurance broker, review the document. If the aircraft is...
E&O Insurance - How much of your production's format is copyrightable?
27 February, 2012 • Doran ChandlerBy: Doran S. Chandler - Chandler Fogden Aldous Law Corporation Whenever a producer or writer dreams up a new idea for a television show, it doesn't take long for them to start worrying about someone pinching it and beating them to the punch. This is especially true in the case of news programs, game shows, and other re...
10 Tips to Prevent Water Damage to Your Post-Production Facility
24 February, 2012 • Mike GronerPhoto credit: Shutterstock | Royalty-free stock photo ID: 491045326 POST-PRODUCTION FACILITY INSURANCE What can be done to reduce the risk of water damage to your Post-Production Facility? Choose your post facility wisely. If you are searching for a Post-Production Studio to purchase, check to see if it is located in a...
E&O Insurance for Film and TV: The Value of a Clearance Lawyer
21 February, 2012 • Doran ChandlerBy: Doran S. Chandler - Chandler Fogden Aldous Law Corporation E&O Insurance: The Value of a Lawyer Entertainment lawyers are often called upon to help clients obtain Errors & Omissions insurance for their productions. This job is easy if the needs of E&O insurers are considered before production begins. Ho...
A Canadian Insurance Broker Needed to Avoid Potential Tax Penalties
7 February, 2012 • David HamiltonIf you are a US Insurance Broker who has a client with a Canadian subsidiary, Canadian tax law requires that: The policy must be issued by a licensed Canadian insurer The premium must be paid by the Canadian subsidiary directly to a licensed Canadian broker who then must pay the Canadian insurer If an unlicensed insure...
Bears and Film Insurance: What to Ask? | Animal Film Insurance
8 December, 2011 • David HamiltonANIMAL INSURANCE ON FILM SETS Bears are frequently used in film productions shot in the Pacific Northwest. The risks associated with filming a bear can be transferred to an insurance company once the underwriter understands how the public, cast, crew, equipment and the bear will be protected. The underwriter will need ...
Brain Drain North: L.A. Broker Joins Front Row Insurance in Vancouver
8 December, 2011 • David HamiltonMike Groner tapped to bring skill, initiative and innovation to the brokerage house Vancouver, BC, September 30, 2011 – Front Row Insurance, specialized entertainment insurance brokers, has announced the addition of an experienced entertainment broker to its Vancouver office. Mike Groner, who has been a successful mana...
Digital Film Insurance and the Future | Digital Media Insurance
6 December, 2011 • Mike GronerInsurance for digital features, TV series and documentaries is evolving. It’s the case that many production companies now incorporate scenes in their films that were once captured live but are now being created, edited and manipulated digitally in post-production. What this means is that the need for negative/faulty in...
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