The Front Row View (entertainment insurance blog)
Umbrella Vs. Excess Liability Insurance Coverage for Film Production
2 January, 2013 • David HamiltonUmbrella Vs. Excess Liability Insurance A typical production company will purchase liability insurance to provide coverage for claims relating to third-party bodily injury and/or property damage caused by the production’s activities. As the majority of production companies will use vehicles on/off set, along with mobil...
How does Imminent Peril Insurance Coverage Protect your Production?
31 December, 2012 • David HamiltonImminent peril insurance coverage Imminent peril is part of Extra Expense (EE) coverage. EE itself is similar to Business Interruption insurance, except that it will not cover loss of income, but rather if you suffer an insured loss, it will pay for the extra costs to get your production back to filming as soon as poss...
Film Production Insurance & Mechanical Devices on Set: Considerations
10 December, 2012 • David HamiltonMECHANICAL DEVICE SAFETY ON FILM SETS If a mechanical device or an articulated set is used in a production, the film insurance cost can be minimized if the production company ensures that: The device or set is capable of safely performing the functions for which it is used Workers operate the device or set in accordanc...
Film Production Insurance: Smoke and Fog Safety on The Film Set
8 December, 2012 • David HamiltonTo keep your film insurance premiums to a minimum, use best practices when using fog and smoke effects on set. The following substances are typically used to create smoke or fog: Propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, butylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol Glycerin products Highly refined mineral oils Cryogenic gases ...
Film Production Companies and Camera Cars: Reducing the Risk
27 November, 2012 • David HamiltonPhoto by Jakob Owens on Unsplash The Camera Car in Filmmaking The camera car should be engineered specifically for film & television production. The insert-camera car operator has the authority to suspend operation of the vehicle if they believe the vehicle is unsafe in any way. Safety requirements when working wit...
Production Companies and Watercraft Use | Filming on Water, Boats
23 November, 2012 • David HamiltonFilm Set Guidelines - watercraft use Use boats safely to protect your cast and crew during your film production. The following suggestions will result in the best film insurance premium with the deductible: Follow all boating regulations Ensure that the operator knows how to operate the boat competently and safely Make...
Risk Assessments for Film Productions (US&Canada)
20 November, 2012 • David HamiltonMost workplace injuries and diseases can be prevented by identifying and dealing with potential workplace hazards and unsafe work practices. Q. When do you need to conduct a risk assessment? A. For each potentially hazardous activity or situation involved in your production. I.e.: Stunts Special effects Water work Heli...
Film Production Companies and Lighting Safety
19 November, 2012 • David HamiltonSetup Film Set Lighting Safely Use appropriate fall protection equipment [Amazon Affiliate Link] whenever setting up lighting at elevated heights Ensure that all lighting fixtures are supported so that they will not fall, i.e., use a safety wire [Amazon Affiliate Link] or chain to suspend fixtures Ensure that all light...
Earthquakes & Film Production: Prepare Emergency Kit before the Quake
2 November, 2012 • David HamiltonEarthquake Emergency Kit: Film Sets In case of an earthquake emergency during your film shoot, you’ll need some basic supplies, and you may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. Make sure that your kit is easily accessible and easy to carry, and that designa...
Earthquakes and Film Production: What to do when the Earth Moves
26 October, 2012 • David HamiltonIf you are indoors on a film production set or in a film production office... Drop, cover and hold on: Drop under heavy furniture such as a table, desk, or any solid furniture. Cover your head and torso to prevent being hit by falling objects. Hold onto the object that you are under so that you remain covered. If outdo...
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