Planning a Wedding at Home? Will your Homeowners Policy cover you?

The wedding ceremony in your parent’s back yard was more beautiful than you imagined. Later in the evening, the reception is in full swing when a scream pierces the music on the temporary dance floor. One of your parents' work friends – a highly successful yoga instructor– has slipped on some spilled wine and torn all the ligaments in her knee.
She will be in a cast and unable to work for six months. She will not be able to make the $15,000 per month that she has been earning for her classes. Worse, she has no disability insurance.
Within weeks of the wedding, a lawyers letter arrives demanding compensation for lost wages due to the hosts negligently failing to clean up the wine hazard on the dance floor. The letter also demands compensation for rehab expenses.
The parents call their homeowners insurance broker only to be told that they needed to take out wedding event insurance in order to be covered. Their homeowners policy will not protect them for a wedding they host at their home. The bride’s parents are now in the awkward position of having to defend themselves from a lawsuit from their friend.
This is a difficult, pricey lesson that is better learned before there is a loss. Our experience tells us that many wedding hosts assume they are covered by their homeowners insurance policy when in fact they most likely are not. This messy scenario is easily avoided with inexpensive online wedding insurance.
If you use your home for a wedding, check your insurance policy and make sure your coverage is appropriate. If not, Front Row Insurance Brokers have created a 5-minute Online Insurance Solution!
Our online wedding event insurance policy is available in all provinces in Canada. Are you in the US? Wedding insurance in the US can be arranged quickly through our online program.
All rented equipment is covered for replacement cost for: theft, damage and fire.
- Wedding insurance cost starting at $105 (subject to change)
- Up to $5,000,000 in wedding liability insurance to cover damage to the wedding venue and injury to guests and vendor staff. Will also provide lawyer costs.
- Unlimited Additional Insured certificates for your wedding venue and vendors at no additional cost.
"We wanted to make the insurance process easier, faster and cheaper for wedding hosts,” said David Hamilton, President of Front Row “Given that there is no need to speak to a broker and an insurance company underwriter is not involved, the cost to process online wedding event insurance is much less and we have passed the savings onto the person buying the insurance for the wedding. Although the policy is online, we are still available to answer questions by, chatbot, e mail or over the phone if required.”
Insurance for weddings is a specialty of Front Row. We make it easy to protect your special day – at a cost that could be less than a bottle of champagne. Pop! Pop!
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