Special Event Insurance for Illinois residents is available instantly through our online program in 6 minutes.
Protect your event from disastrous incidents that are beyond your control.
- Up to $2,000,000 in General Liability Coverage. You will be protected by a lawyer paid for by this event insurance policy who will defend you if a guest to your event is injured and sues you. If you or a guest damages the venue by mistake, the cost of repairs will be paid for by this short-term event policy.
- Additional Insured certificates for your event venue and vendors at no extra cost.
Types of US events that Front Row can insure:
- Weddings and Wedding Receptions
- Anniversary Parties
- Antique Shows
- Art Festivals And Shows
- Auctions
- Award Presentations
- Baby Shower
- Ballet Or Other Classical Dance Shows
- Banquets
- Baptism
- Bar Mitzvahs/Bat Mitzvahs
- Bazaars
- Beauty Pageants
- Bingo Games
- Birthday Parties
- Body Building Contests
- Book Signing
- Bridal Showers
- Business Meetings And Shows
- Business Parties
- Camera Shows
- Card Games - Blackjack
- Card Games - Poker
- Card Shows
- Carnivals – School Events with No Mechanical Rides
- Carolers
- Casino Nights
- Chamber Of Commerce Events
- Charity Benefits, Dances, Auctions, Or Sales
- Chess Tournament
- Choir Event - Indoor
- Choirs - Outdoor
- Christmas Tree Lighting
- Church Services Or Meetings
- Civic Club Meetings
- Classic Dance Shows
- Computer Shows
- Concerts - Blues Music
- Concerts - Celtic Music
- Concerts - Chamber Music
- Concerts - Classical Music - Indoors
- Concerts - Classical Music – Outdoors
- Concerts - Folk Music
- Concerts - Funk Music
- Concerts - Holiday Music
- Concerts - Instrumental
- Concerts - Motown
- Concerts – 50's, 60's, 70's or 80's Music
- Concerts – Country Music
- Concerts Soul Music
- Consumer Shows
- Conventions – Indoors
- Craft Shows
- Dance Competitions
- Dance Recital
- Debutant Balls
- Debuts
- Dog, Cat, Bird & Other Domestic Animal Shows/Events
- Drill Team Exhibitions
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Educational Exhibitions
- Electronics Conventions
- Fashion Shows
- Festival and Cultural Events – Indoors
- Fishing Events
- Flower And Garden Shows
- Fund Raising Dinner
- Funeral Service
- Golf Events - Non Professional
- Graduations
- Harvest Festivals - No Farm Implements or Equipment
- Holiday Events & Parties / Gift Exchanges
- Home Shows
- Jazz And Jam Concerts – Indoors
- Jazz And Jam Concerts – Outdoors
- Job Fairs Indoors
- Job Fairs Outdoors
- Ladies Club Events
- Lectures
- Luncheons
- Math Tournament
- Meetings - Indoors
- Meetings – Outdoors
- Menorah Lightning
- Mobile Home Shows
- Pageants
- Picnics - No Use of Pools Or Lakes
- Poetry Reading
- Professional And Amateur Association Meetings
- Quinceanera
- Recitals
- Reunions Indoors
- Reunions Outdoors
- Rv Shows
- School Band Competitions Or Events
- Seances
- Seminars
- Soap Box Derbies
- Social Receptions - Outdoors
- Social Receptions – Indoors
- Speaking Engagements
- Store Openings
- Story Teller
- Symphony Concerts
- Teleconferences
- Telethons
- Trade Shows – Indoors
- Trade Shows – Outdoors
- Union Meetings
- Vacation Shows
- Video Game Contest
- Voter Registration
Insuring your event with Front Row will be an easy and simple process that will leave you feeling confident that your special event is protected!
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