Get a no obligation quote here in two minutes:
Cancellations that stem from a known pre existing condition.
As soon as you sign a contract to rent a venue.
Your homeowner or tenant insurance likely does not cover an event that you host that involves a large number of people where you provide food and alcohol and rent a venue.
Our online wedding event insurance policy is available in all provinces in Canada.
"We wanted to make the insurance process easier, faster and cheaper for wedding hosts,” said David Hamilton, President + CEO of Front Row “Given that an underwriter is not involved, the cost to process online wedding insurance is much less and we have passed the savings onto the person buying the insurance for the wedding. Although the policy is online, we are still available to answer questions by, chatbot, e mail or over the phone if required.”
Insurance for weddings is a specialty of Front Row. We make it easy to protect your special day – at a cost that could be less than what you will spend on candles!