Why does my landlord want to be listed as an additional insured?

Mar 7, 2018 12:07:44 PM / by Meghan Stickney

Do you know why your landlord keeps asking to be added as an additional insured on your insurance policy?

Do you know why your landlord keeps asking to be added as an additional insured on your insurance policy?

An additional insured is someone who is entitled to coverage under your policy as a result of claims arising out of your use of your premises or operations at your business premise. This means that instead of having to collect under their own policy, an additional insured can first collect under your policy, leaving their policy as a backup.

Landlords will generally want to be added as an additional insured on your policy so that any claims that arise out of your operations and/or general use of your premises, especially liability claims, will be covered under your policy first. In the event of a lawsuit, many parties can be named as defendants, including the landlord.

This can end up becoming a very expensive and time consuming process. This issue can be mitigated by adding your landlord as an additional insured on your policy, since they will be able to use your insurance company’s lawyer, rather than have their insurance company hire a separate lawyer to defend them. More importantly as they are only an additional insured, your policy will only cover them if a claim is made against your business or its operations.

Front Row’s Workplace insurance program offers clients an easy way to add additional insureds to their policy. This is automatically included when you buy a Workplace Insurance policy.

Related: Tenant Insurance (Westland)

Topics: Office contents insurance

Written by Meghan Stickney

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